Dark Maternal Instincts: 5 Notorious Mothers in the Animal Kingdom


Sand Tiger Shark: The sand tiger shark practices intrauterine cannibalism, meaning the embryos in the mother's womb will engage in a deadly battle, with the strongest embryos consuming their weaker siblings.

Cuckoo: Cuckoos are notorious brood parasites. They lay their eggs in the nests of other bird species, tricking them into raising their young. The cuckoo chicks often outcompete the host's offspring, leading to their demise.

Redback Spider: Female redback spiders are known for their cannibalistic behavior towards their mates. After mating, the female may consume the male to gain nutrients for herself and her future offspring.

Spotted Hyena: Female hyenas have a higher social status and dominance over males. They also possess pseudo-penises, which can make birthing difficult and potentially deadly for both the mother and her cubs.

Hamster: While hamsters are generally good mothers, there are some instances where female hamsters can be aggressive towards their offspring, even killing and eating them. This behavior is often associated with stress or inadequate care.

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