Do you know what happened today  in history 

22nd march in history

1739: Nadir Shah, the emperor of Iran, ordered his army to a massacre in Delhi. This is known in history as 'Katlayam'.

22nd march in history


1890: Ramchandra Chatterjee became the first Indian person to land by parachute.

22ND march in history


1942: Cripps Mission reached India under the leadership of Sir Stafford Cripps.

22ND march in history


1947: Lord Mountbatten came to India as the last Viceroy.

22ND march in history


1977: Prime Minister Indira Gandhi submitted her resignation to the President after the massive defeat of the Congress in the general elections held after the Emergency.

22ND march in history


1993: World Water Day was celebrated for the first time.

22ND march in history


2020: Prime Minister Narendra Modi announced the imposition of 'Janata curfew' in view of the outbreak of the Corona epidemic.

22ND march in history


 Know the gold rates of 22nd March