Global Powerhouse: India Takes Center Stage at G-20 2023 Summit in Delhi


India as the Host: India is presiding over the G-20 conference in 2023, bringing together leaders from 20 major economies in the world.

Conference Venue: The G-20 conference is being held at Bharat Mandapam, situated at Pragati Maidan in the capital city, Delhi.

Leaders' Arrival: Dignitaries from various countries have arrived in Delhi one by one, and they are being welcomed by Prime Minister Modi at Bharat Mandapam.

Decorations: Bharat Mandapam has been beautifully decorated to host the international guests, reflecting the cultural richness of India.

National Pride: This event is a source of pride for India as it assumes the role of hosting and presiding over the G-20 conference.

Global Issues Discussion: Senior leaders from the 20 major economies will convene to brainstorm and discuss critical global issues during the conference.

Live Streaming: The event can be watched live on the official YouTube handle of G20, making it accessible to a global audience.

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