Renowned Haryanvi dancer Sapna Choudhary has recently arrived at the Cannes Film Festival. Where Actress Sapna made an entry in a very beautiful pink gown on the red carpet of the Cannes Film Festival.
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This moment was very special for the Haryanvi dancer. At the same time, it was a very special moment for Sapna's fans not only in Haryana but across the country.
Actress Sapna entered the event wearing a baby pink gown. These pictures of the actress went viral as soon as they appeared on social media.
Actress Sapna made a grand entry on the red carpet of the Cannes Film Festival. During this, Sapna also greeted the pepra present there with folded hands.
Actress Sapna became the first regional artist to step into the Cannes Film Festival. In the pictures, the actress was seen hand wave to her fans.
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