Indian Air Force Flight Carrying 47 Passengers Lands in India


An Indian Air Force C130 J flight carrying 47 passengers has landed in India, under #OperationKaveri.

With this arrival, a total of 3862 persons have been moved out of Sudan through the operation.

The operation was inspired by Prime Minister Narendra Modi's commitment to ensuring the safety and security of all Indians abroad.

Moving passengers to Port Sudan from various locations across the country in precarious security circumstances was a complex exercise.

Via 17 Indian Air Force flights and 5 Indian Navy Ship sorties, people were moved from Port Sudan to safety in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia.

The effort was made possible by the support of Chad, Egypt, France, South Sudan, UAE, UK, USA, and UN, as well as the dedication of #TeamIndia stationed in Saudi Arabia and the MEA Rapid Response Cell coordinating in India.

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