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Know some unique facts about April Fool's Day

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April Fool's Day is celebrated on April 1st each year, and it is a day for playing practical jokes and spreading hoaxes.

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The origins of April Fool's Day are unclear, but some historians believe it may have started in France in the 16th century.

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In Scotland, April Fool's Day is called "Huntigowk Day," and the pranks involve sending someone on a "fool's errand."

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One of the most famous April Fool's Day pranks was the BBC's "spaghetti tree" hoax in 1957, where they showed footage of spaghetti growing on trees.

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In the 18th century, April Fool's Day was celebrated in colonial America, but it fell out of favor during the American Civil War.

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The first recorded April Fool's Day joke in the United States was in 1698 when a newspaper reported that lions had escaped from the Tower of London and were roaming the streets of London.

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Some people believe that the name "April Fool" comes from "ape," meaning a "fool" or a "jester."

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Some companies and organizations have taken advantage of April Fool's Day by releasing fake products or services, such as Google's "Google Nose" in 2013, which claimed to allow users to search by scent.

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