Maximizing Efficiency: Simple Tips to Save Energy and Cut AC Bills

Keeping the AC temperature at 24-25°C can help save energy and reduce bills.

temperature at 24-25°C


Regularly cleaning or replacing AC filters can improve the AC's efficiency and reduce energy consumption.

Regularly cleaning


Using ceiling or table fans along with the AC can help distribute cool air and reduce the need for higher AC settings.

Using ceiling or table fans


Closing doors and windows when the AC is on can prevent cool air from escaping and reduce energy wastage.

Closing doors and windows


Using curtains or blinds to block out direct sunlight can reduce the heat entering the room and decrease the workload on the AC.

Using curtains


Avoiding the use of heat-generating appliances, such as ovens and dryers, during peak AC hours can help reduce the load on the AC and save energy.

 heat-generating appliances


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