Discover the Slimming Secrets of Peppermint Tea: Unveiling Its Weight Loss Benefits


Not boiling water adequately: In the monsoon, water contamination is common, so ensure that you boil the water thoroughly before brewing tea to eliminate any harmful bacteria or impurities.

Using damp tea leaves: Moisture levels are high during the monsoon, and using damp tea leaves can result in a weak and tasteless brew. Store tea leaves in airtight containers to prevent moisture absorption.

Neglecting proper tea storage: Due to high humidity, tea leaves are susceptible to moisture and can lose their flavor quickly. Store tea in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight to maintain its freshness.

Using uncovered tea cups: The monsoon season brings insects and flies, which can contaminate your tea. Cover your tea cups with saucers or lids to protect them from unwanted visitors.

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