National Cyber Force: Protecting The UK From Cyber Threat


The NCF was formed in 2020, and it is a joint effort between the Ministry of Defence (MoD) and GCHQ.

The National Cyber Force is responsible for protecting the UK against cyber threats.

The NCF has a team of experts who work round-the-clock to defend the UK's digital infrastructure.

The NCF uses the 'doctrine of cognitive effect' to sow distrust, decrease morale, and weaken adversaries' abilities to plan and conduct their activities effectively.

The NCF's work is covert, and details of individual operations are not revealed to adversaries. The ambiguity can help amplify the cognitive effect.

The UK is reiterating its commitment to international stability and security and demonstrating how states can act responsibly in cyberspace through the NCF's operations. The NCF's commander, James Babbage, has been avowed for the first time.

The NCF's operations are legal, ethical, accountable, precise, and calibrated in line with domestic and international law and national values.

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