New Regulations To Tackle Potholes And Boost Journeys Across The UK.


From April 1, 2023, new regulations will be implemented to ensure that utility companies resurface roads to the best possible standard after street works in the UK.

The performance-based inspection regime will potentially prevent thousands of potholes from developing in the future and benefit road users by providing smoother journeys, reduced congestion, and faster broadband rollout.

The government is investing over £5.5 billion by 2025 in highway maintenance, which includes the Potholes Fund and an extra £200 million announced in Budget 2023.

Utility companies will be assessed on the quality of their road repairs after carrying out street works, with the best companies inspected less and the worse-performing companies inspected more, based on their performance.

Poor-performing companies that leave behind roads in poor condition could see 100% of their street works inspected and will be incentivized to perform better to avoid incurring high financial charges.

Other reforms in the inspection framework will help telecom operators roll out broadband nationwide and ease congestion by mandating better live updates on roadworks to help drivers plan ahead.

The measures will benefit all road users and help drivers plan ahead and ease congestion as utility companies and local authorities will now be required to provide more up-to-date and accurate data on live works to the Department for Transport's street manager service.

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