Mahira Khan, the renowned Pakistani actor, tied the knot with businessman Salim Karim in an intimate ceremony surrounded by close friends and family.
Mahira's wedding attire included a stunning pearl-white lehenga designed by Faraz Manan, a simple yet elegant white and gold salwar kameez by Umar Sayeed Couture, and a vibrant orange and green-embroidered anarkali by Zara Shahjahan.
Mahira opted for a minimal and elegant bridal look for all the wedding festivities, highlighting the "less is more" approach.
During the Dua-e-Khair ceremony, Mahira embraced the blush-base makeup trend with a glossy fuchsia pink lip shade, subtle eye shadow, mascara, feathered brows, rouged cheeks and nose, dewy base, and a centre-parted messy hairdo.
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