Halabja chemical attack Story |  35 years Ago 

17 MAR 2023


The Halabja chemical attack in Iraq occurred 35 years ago, in March 1988.

17 MAR 2023


The attack resulted in the deaths of at least 5,000 people.

17 MAR 2023


Around 7,000 people were injured in the attack.

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The attack took place during the 8-year war between Iraq and Iran.

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Iraq was also fighting the Peshmerga of the Kurdistan Democratic Party and the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan (PUK) simultaneously.

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Saddam Hussein ordered the attack after learning that Halabja was captured by Iranian forces and the Peshmerga.

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Saddam denied ordering the attack during his trial after the US invasion of Iraq in 2003, claiming that he only heard about it through the media.

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On March 16, 1988, at 10:50 AM, Iraqi warplanes, under Saddam's orders, dropped mustard and sarin gas bombs on Halabja through the command of his cousin Ali Hassan Al Majid, also known as Chemical Ali.

17 MAR 2023