Protect Yourself from ATM Scams: What to Do If You Receive Fake Notes


Before withdrawing cash from an ATM, check for security features on the notes such as watermarks, security threads, and color-shifting ink.

Check for security features:

If you have received fake notes from an ATM, look for distinguishing features such as missing security threads, unclear printing, and incorrect colors.

Identify the fake notes:

Contact your bank's customer care helpline or visit the nearest branch to inform them of the fake notes received.

Inform the bank immediately:

You can file a complaint with the police to avoid any legal complications in the future.

File a police complaint:

Do not return the fake notes to the ATM or to any other person as it is a punishable offense.

Do not return the notes:

Retain the transaction receipt as proof of withdrawal from the ATM.

Keep the receipt:

Be cautious while using an ATM and do not share your PIN with anyone.

Take necessary precautions:

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