Screen Savvy Eyes: Essential Tips


Every 20 minutes, take a break for 20 seconds and look at something 20 feet away.

Follow the 20-20-20 rule:

Make sure the brightness of your screen is not too high or too low. Adjust it to match the lighting in the room.

Adjust screen brightness:

Staring at a screen for long periods can cause dry eyes. Blink frequently to keep your eyes moist.

Blink frequently: 

Anti-glare screens can help reduce the glare from screens, which can cause eye strain.

Use anti-glare screens:

Try to limit your screen time as much as possible. Take breaks and find other activities to do that don't involve screens.

Limit screen time:

Regular eye exams can help detect and treat any eye problems early on.

Get regular eye exams: 

Make sure your screen is at the right distance and height from your eyes. The top of the screen should be at or below eye level.

Position your screen correctly: 

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