Swiggy called out on Twitter: Why is ‘Hindu-phobic Swiggy’ trending?

Swiggy, an Indian food delivery company, was called out on Twitter for allegedly promoting “Hinduphobia” by displaying an advertisement that supposedly insulted Hindu gods.

The advertisement, which was a parody of a popular Indian movie, reportedly showed Hindu deities ordering food and complaining about their traditional diet. Some Twitter users accused Swiggy of using Hindu gods for commercial gain and insulting the Hindu community.

The hashtag “#BoycottSwiggy” and “Hinduphobic Swiggy” started trending on Twitter, with some users demanding an apology from the company.

  Swiggy released a statement in response to the controversy, stating that the advertisement was not meant to hurt anyone's religious sentiments and that they apologized if it had done so. They also claimed to have withdrawn the ad and apologized to anyone who was offended.

This incident sparked a larger conversation about the commercialization of religion and the line between humor and offense. Some Twitter users defended Swiggy, stating that the advertisement was meant to be funny and that people should not take offense so easily.

Others criticized Swiggy for using religion for commercial purposes, arguing that it is disrespectful and insensitive to use religious figures for profit.

The controversy highlights the importance of being sensitive to cultural and religious beliefs in advertising and marketing. Companies should be mindful of the potential impact of their advertisements on different communities and should strive to avoid causing offense or controversy.