The African golden cat is a wild cat found only in the rainforests of West and Central Africa. 

Source - canva

The African golden cat is a wild cat found only in the rainforests of West and Central Africa. 

Source - canva

Its survival is threatened by deforestation and bushmeat hunting and it is listed as Vulnerable on the IUCN Red List. 

Source - canva

The caracal and serval are both close relatives of it. It was previously placed in the genus Profelis. 

Source - canva

Its body size ranges from 24 to 40 inches, with a 6.3 to 18.1 inch long tail. 

Source - canva

The African golden cat's fur color ranges from chestnut or reddish-brown, greyish brown to dark slaty. 

Source - canva

The spotting pattern is limited to the belly and inner legs in others. 

Source - canva

The undersides and areas around the eyes, cheeks, chin, and throat are lighter in color, almost white. 

Source - canva

Its tail is dark at the top and either heavily banded, lightly banded, or ends in a black tip. 

Source - canva

The pelts of African golden cats can be distinguished by the presence of a distinctive curved ridge of fur in front of the withers, where the hairs change direction. 

Source - canva

A domestic cat is about half the size of it. 

Source - canva