The Agama Lizard is a fascinating reptile that is sure to capture your attention 

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At least 37 species of the genus Agama live in Africa, especially sub-Saharan Africa, where one species can be found in most regions. 

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Eurasian agamids are largely classified under the genus Laudakia. 

source - canva

When fully grown, the various species differ in size, ranging from about 12 to 30 centimeters (5 to 12 in) in length. 

source - canva

Diurnal agamas are active during the day. 

source - canva

When temperatures approach 38 °C (100 °F), they generally shelter in the shade, but they can tolerate higher temperatures than most reptiles. 

source - canva

The females of the species may sometimes chase and fight one another, and the hatchlings of the species mimic the adults' behavior. 

source - canva

Agamas hunt prey by sight and snatch it opportunistically. 

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Large front teeth and powerful jaws help them eat large, hard prey. 

source - canva

Agama is the scientific name of the Agama genus. 

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There is a wide array of agamas, with bright colors and distinctive body shapes, making identification easier. 

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The males tend to be much larger than the females. 

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The males tend to be much larger than the females. 

source - canva

Small social groups consisting of a lead male, several agama lizard females, and a few younger subordinate males are where agamas live. 

source - canva