Vitalizing Your Vegetarian Diet: 5 Vitamin B12-Rich Foods for Balanced Nutrition


Dairy Products: Incorporate dairy foods like milk, yogurt, and cheese, as they contain vitamin B12 due to the presence of bacteria that produce the vitamin.

Fortified Foods: Consume fortified plant-based foods like breakfast cereals, plant milk, and nutritional yeast, which are enriched with vitamin B12 to meet vegetarian needs.

Eggs: Include eggs in your diet as they contain vitamin B12 in their yolk, making them a valuable source for vegetarians.

Seaweeds and Algae: Certain types of seaweeds and algae like nori and spirulina contain trace amounts of vitamin B12, although their absorption can be less reliable.

Supplements: Consider taking vitamin B12 supplements recommended by a healthcare professional to ensure adequate intake, especially if relying mainly on plant-based sources.

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