We all know that New Year’s Day is one of the most stressful days in our calendar year. One day, 12 months of happiness and success could be gone as soon as tomorrow. January represents the first month of a new year, and so it has to be celebrated with something.
What do we celebrate in January
People often celebrate New Year’s Day, but January is a very important month for a number of people. January is the first month of the year and it is often considered as the start of spring. Many cultures celebrate the Winter Solstice, which is one of their most important celebrations. It marks the beginning of winter according to some cultures, but December 21st in other cultures. People also typically celebrate New Year’s Eve when they go out with friends and family to mark this special date with fireworks.
History of January
January has been celebrated in different ways throughout history. It’s become a month of new beginnings, as well as a time to reflect on what you accomplished in the past year. January is associated with temperance and abstinence, so many people make resolutions to eat healthier or do more exercise during the month.
Customs: England, Scotland, Ireland
January is the first month of a new year. The countries of England, Scotland, and Ireland celebrate it with customs and traditions that have been passed down through generations. With the British and Irish months, January can be a confusing time for those who live in North America.
What day of the week is it?
It’s also not a good idea to try to plan anything for the month ahead because you might end up with a hangover from partying on New Year’s Eve. It’s easy to forget that England, Scotland, and Ireland have their own calendars. The English celebration of New Year’s Day marks the beginning of a new calendar year.
The first day of January is the beginning of the civil or common year in England and Wales, the first day of a leap year. In Scotland, New Year’s Day is also celebrated on January 1st, but it marks not just the start of a new calendar year, but also the start of another 365-day period known as “The Old Style Calendar.” In Ireland, New Year’s Day is celebrated on March 25th – Saint Patrick’s Day.