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HomeGeneral KnowledgeKnowingWhat is English toilet called?

What is English toilet called?

Last updated on March 23rd, 2024 at 05:04 pm

If you’re looking for an English toilet, you might be wondering what it’s called. Here’s a quick rundown of the different terms you might come across.

The term “English toilet” can refer to two different things. The first is a type of toilet that is common in the United Kingdom. This toilet has a small hole in the center of the seat, and a small lever on the side of the tank. The second type of English toilet is a type of flush toilet that is common in the United States. This toilet has a large hole in the center of the seat, and a large lever on the side of the tank.

So, what do you call an English toilet? It really depends on which type of English toilet you’re talking about. If you’re referring to the type of toilet that is common in the United Kingdom, then you would simply call it a “toilet.” If you’re referring to the type of toilet that is common in the United States, then you would call it a “flush toilet.”

Did you know that the English toilet is called a “loo”?

This is a very interesting piece of trivia, and something that you might not have known about the English language. The word “loo” is actually derived from the French word “lieu”, which means “place”. So, when you use the word “loo”, you are essentially saying “toilet” in French.

Interestingly, the word “loo” is not used all that commonly in the United States. In fact, most people in the US would probably say “bathroom” or “restroom” instead of “loo”. However, in the UK and other parts of the world, “loo” is the most common way to refer to a toilet.

So, there you have it! The next time you need to use the toilet in an English-speaking country, be sure to ask for the “loo”!

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