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HomeWorld NewsWorld Leaders in the Spotlight: A Closer Look at Their Approval Ratings

World Leaders in the Spotlight: A Closer Look at Their Approval Ratings

In an ever-changing global landscape, the approval ratings of world leaders are a significant barometer of public sentiment. These ratings reflect how citizens perceive their leaders’ performance and effectiveness in addressing various issues. Here, we explore the top 10 world leaders with the highest approval ratings as of [current date], shedding light on the factors contributing to their popularity.

1. Vladimir Putin (Russia) – 78%

  • Russian President Vladimir Putin maintains a high approval rating, largely attributed to his strong leadership and influence on the global stage. His policies and actions resonate with a significant portion of the Russian population.

2. Narendra Modi (India) – 77%

  • Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi enjoys immense popularity due to his ambitious reform agenda and efforts to modernize India. His leadership has been a driving force behind India’s economic and infrastructural growth.

3. Andrés López Obrador (Mexico) – 70%

  • Mexican President Andrés López Obrador is known for his progressive policies and emphasis on social welfare. His administration’s focus on reducing inequality and corruption has won the approval of many Mexicans.

4. Lula da Silva (Brazil) – 53%

  • Former Brazilian President Lula da Silva’s return to politics has been met with enthusiasm, given his track record in reducing poverty and fostering economic growth during his previous terms.

5. Alain Berset (Switzerland) – 52%

  • Swiss Federal President Alain Berset maintains a strong approval rating due to Switzerland’s political stability, high living standards, and efficient healthcare system.

6. Anthony Albanese (Australia) – 46%

  • Australian Prime Minister Anthony Albanese’s approval rating reflects his government’s handling of issues like climate change, economic recovery, and the COVID-19 pandemic.

7. Giorgia Meloni (Italy) – 44%

  • Italian politician Giorgia Meloni’s rise in popularity is linked to her leadership in conservative politics and strong stances on issues such as immigration and national identity.

8. Joe Biden (United States) – 40%

  • U.S. President Joe Biden faces a mixed approval rating, reflecting the divided political climate in the country. His administration has focused on addressing the pandemic, infrastructure, and climate change.

9. Pedro Sánchez (Spain) – 39%

  • Spanish Prime Minister Pedro Sánchez’s approval rating signifies the challenges his government has faced, including managing the COVID-19 crisis and navigating regional politics.

10. Alexander De Croo (Belgium) – 37%

Belgian Prime Minister Alexander De Croo’s leadership is marked by his government’s efforts in tackling climate change and navigating complex federal politics in Belgium.

It’s important to note that approval ratings can fluctuate due to various factors, including policy decisions, economic conditions, and international events. These leaders’ ability to address the evolving needs and concerns of their respective nations will play a significant role in determining the trajectory of their approval ratings in the future.


1. What are approval ratings?

Approval ratings are a measure of the level of public support and satisfaction with a political leader’s performance.

2. How are approval ratings determined?

Approval ratings are typically determined through surveys and polls that ask individuals to rate their approval of a specific leader.

3. Why do approval ratings matter?

Approval ratings can influence a leader’s ability to govern effectively, impact policy decisions, and even play a role in re-election prospects.

4. Can approval ratings change over time?

Yes, approval ratings can fluctuate over time due to a variety of factors, including economic conditions, policy decisions, and external events.

5. Who conducts approval rating surveys?

Various organizations, including polling agencies and research firms, conduct approval rating surveys to provide insights into public sentiment.

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